What is a holistic esthetician?
I take a whole body approach to skin.
Our skin is our largest organ and many times we forget that. It’s simply communicating with us as to what is going on internally. From the food we eat, to the thoughts we think, to the medications we take. It all affects our skin.
You are what you Eat:
I spend a part of your session discussing your nutritional habits. I explain how diet reflects on the skin and educate you on how to make healthier food choices for vibrant GLOWING skin!
Your lifestyle:
I will ask your questions about your lifestyle. Are you taking medications? If so which ones? What is your genetic makeup? Where did you grow up and where do you live now? How much sleep are you getting Do you workout? I will explain how this all affects your skin.
Your thoughts:
We discuss your stress level and your thoughts about your skin concerns. Our thoughts can become reality when it comes to our health and skin health. I will help guide you to shift your mindset around your skin concerns.
Natural Skincare:
I create skincare regimens unique to your skin concerns and needs using products with naturally sourced ingredients. The products are made of the finest botanicals, plant extracts, and essential oils to minimize the chance of skin irritation while nourishing the skin with vitamins and minerals.
Noninvasive Treatments:
I work with your skin using non invasive techniques and modalities that do not cause trauma to your skin. Gua Sha, Facial Cupping, LED Light therapy, Sculpting Facial Massage, Facial Reflexology, Microcurrent, Nanofusion, Cooling Ice Globes.
Did you know I offer a complimentary virtual consult before your facial?! That’s right when you book a 60 or 90 minute facial you have the option to book a complimentary virtual consultation where we work on getting to the root of your skin concerns.